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Enabling Productivity With The Intelligent Cloud

Tip the scales in your favour with transformative technology

Businesses are leveraging the intelligent cloud to do more – better and faster than ever before.

Do you think our grandparents imagined anything like the supercharged laptops, tablets and smartphones available now? Do you think our mothers and fathers believed Artificial Intelligence would become a reality? The computing power we have today is truly astonishing.

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella summarised the status quo after the company’s 2018 Build conference in Seattle: “Computing is not just an interface that you go to, but it’s instead embedded everywhere – in places, things, our homes and cities.”

Embedded. That’s the key takeaway from Nadella’s statement. We live in a world of ambient technology. Smart machines and web-enabled devices help us to communicate, connect, and carry out our daily tasks. And intelligent cloud computing has made it possible for companies of all shapes and sizes to expand their capabilities in sectors as diverse as engineering and health. What are they doing? And how are they doing it? Let’s take a closer look.

Driving growth with the intelligent cloud

Cree, a manufacturing company specialising in silicon carbide products, needed a storage solution that could scale with the business. During a major expansion period, Cree’s IT teams turned to Azure Data Box Edge (a product from the Microsoft Azure Data Box family). Watch the video to see how cloud-based data storage gave Cree the ability to grow.

Fuelling innovation with the intelligent cloud

LEONI, a supplier of cables, wires, and optical fibres, developed LEONiQ – a cable system with built-in sensors and electronics to detect issues locally, so that cables can be replaced before they break. The LEONI technicians used Microsoft Azure Sphere to make their hardware perform better, and to address data security concerns. Here’s why…

Delivering insights with the intelligent cloud

Healthcare technology firm Siemens Healthineers turned to cloud computing to improve the quality of insights gained from healthcare data. Developers created a digital ecosystem using Microsoft Azure and Azure Kubernetes Services to help healthcare providers deliver more value to millions of patients. This is what they did…

Technology is changing at a rapid pace, and modern organisations have to adapt just as quickly to keep up. There’s a wide variety of intelligent cloud computing resources designed to enhance security, improve performance, and streamline processes. What would your business look like with cloud power at its core?

BUI is an official Microsoft Partner in South Africa, and an award-winning leader in identity and security solutions.

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